Goal setting simplified

Latest goals

Michael wants to : I want to move home
It is important to me because :
saurabh wants to : Write a blog post for my health blog every day
It is important to me because : It can help me move out of job
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Jonathan wants to : Max push-ups and sit-ups on APFT
It is important to me because : It means I'm high-speed
Linda wants to : 10andUnder Tennis: 1700 to 2100
It is important to me because : Revenue
olof wants to : Finish HTML5 book
It is important to me because : With this I can hopefully make funny or even useful things that I can share with friends over the net. If not, it gives me the knowledge to start googles html5 gameprog course which will lead me to original goal.
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Racquel wants to : Pay off credit cards ($5000.00) 5-13-13
It is important to me because : Wasting money on interest sucks!!! I want to move out of my parent's house with only my student loan debt.
Racquel wants to : Save $2000.00 for savings/emergencies
It is important to me because : Having money in savings will make me more comfortable to move out of my parent's house. If something happens, I will have a little something to fall back on.
Racquel wants to : Save $1000.00 for rent deposit
It is important to me because : Being prepared for signing a lease is very important.
Racquel wants to : Create a plan to improve mine and Ben's credit
It is important to me because : We both need better credit to be able to buy a house in the next 5 years
Shana wants to : I want to become a Pharmacist.
It is important to me because : It is important to me to reach this goal because I want financial security, to enjoy my career, and independence.