Goal setting simplified

Set your goals. Plan your actions. Get goaling.                          

With get goaling it is both simple and effective to set goals and track them to completion. With a number of goal setting tools and tracking options, you will have company all the way till you achieve your goals. Online goal setting has been simplified.

Working on their goals
Donald : I will finish my Thesis and graduate with my Masters.
Ulla Hennig : I want to have a clutter-free and neat flat.
Satish Kumar Singh : To loose 12 kg over the next 6 months, to reach 65 kg
Jessica : Stop drinking caffeine altogether
Yu : execute the 3-jogging 2-weight weekly training plan
Harold J. Bott Jr. : Practice piano 3 hours per day

With Get goaling you can                                 

     Create goals and set action plans to achieve them. Print goal sheets.
     Track your goals and action plans for compliance, daily or weekly.
     Measure and log parameters you want to monitor regularly and plot them as graphs.
     Log your progress and experience on the goals with daily or weekly journals.
     Set reminders to give yourself a little push to continue your efforts on your goals.
     Share your goals with only a few friends who can encourage and advice you.
     Share your learnings and experience of your workings with the community.
     Manage to do lists using task views for today, tomorrow, next 7 days, overdue.

Life is waiting, set your goals
Whether your dreams convert to reality is a function of your concious effort in the direction of achieving your goals and not a matter of chance. Setting goals helps you take concious, concreate steps to get to what you want to do in life. Smart goal setting is a proven technique to help you achive goals. Writing goals is the best self improvement initiative you can take. So, don't put off setting your goals for another day, set your goals and objectives today, life is waiting.

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   Inspirational quotes
"People are never more insecure than when they become obsessed with their fears at the expense of their dreams."
- Norman Cousins
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
- Winston Churchill